Designing Your Own Dominoes


Domino is a game in which players place tiles on the table, positioning them edge to edge so that either end of the row of dominoes shows a value. A domino may be a single tile or a series of tiles, and the values on each side of the tile range from one to six pips. The total number of pips on the tile is its rank or weight, which is used to determine how much force it will apply when it hits another domino, or how long it will remain standing before being knocked over. Each player takes turns playing a domino and adding to the chain of tiles that have already been positioned, and scoring points by counting the pips on opposing players’ tiles (doubles count as one or two, blanks can be ascribed any value, and some games allow the use of wild doubles).

When creating a domino design, it is best to play on a hard surface to make it easier for the dominoes to stand up straight. Players can create designs that are as simple or elaborate as they want, and some designers have created curved lines, grids that form pictures when they fall, 3D structures, and more. A domino art can take hours to set up, but when it is completed, the results are stunning.

Hevesh, a professional domino artist who has worked on projects that have required 300,000 dominoes and helped set a Guinness World Record for the largest domino setup ever, says she follows a version of the engineering-design process when working on her creations. She considers the theme or purpose of the installation, brainstorms images and words that might be appropriate, and then plans out how the dominoes will be arranged in space.

Once Hevesh has a clear plan in mind, she starts to create the dominoes themselves. She works on them in her home workshop, which is outfitted with tables and various tools. She also uses her laptop to create blueprints of her designs, which she later refers to as she puts the pieces together on the table.

Whether it’s a line of dominoes or a list of priorities, changing one behavior can activate a chain reaction that affects other behaviors as well. For example, a study by Northwestern University found that when participants decreased their amount of sedentary leisure time each day, they naturally ate less fat and exercised more. These changes, called the Domino Effect, are a result of one behavior impacting others in a positive way.

A great leader knows how to use the Domino Effect in his or her own organization, and in the world outside of business. This principle of leadership is often referred to as “leading from the front,” and it’s a strategy that many successful leaders utilize to get the most out of their employees and customers. To do so, a leader must be willing to listen and respond to employee feedback. For instance, when David Brandon became CEO of Domino’s, he made listening to employees a core company value by implementing changes such as a relaxed dress code and new leadership training programs.